David Brooks address this topic beautifully in his column in NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/17/opinion/17brooks.html?_r=1
I can think of one group of people who has remained untouched from all this gloom and doom. They are the entrepreneurs. They are eternal optimist. Odds of survival of a startup are less than those who landed in the beaches of Normandy and that was 1 in 500. Even with such high odds, every day new companies are started, innovation boundaries pushed further, capital raised, people hired. This is the real stimulus. Instead of spending stimulus money in artificially creating jobs (cash for clunkers is a classic example), we should make long term investments in things like basic R&D, education, health care with proven ROI over the long term.
People will again begin to have faith in the future if they see their political, community and business leaders take on tough problems, make hard decisions and think long term.
Great Post, Sanjay.
Reading it, I can feel the same anguish that we all feel when yet another pundit on TV blames our crisis on somebody else: wall street, the "other" political party, china.. anything.
Its high time we realize that entrepreneurship is what defines this country and we just need to believe in ourselves and our entreprising spirit.
In my view there are four types of people in the world;
smart optimists
dumb optimists
smart pessimists
dumb pessimists
at times like these the dumb optimists are mascaraing as dumb pessimists :-)
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